Look! A Brand New Website
This is something that has been in the works for quite a while. In fact it has been taking up most of my free time and really eating into my writing/recording schedule (not to mention my reading for pleasure schedule – which is the real bummer).
But it is finally done and Nexus of All Realities has a brand new, fancy-dancy website.
It’s pretty simple, pretty slick and in addition to the episodes (which are coming almost immediately) you will find some articles related to the podcast and to Man-Thing as well as some posts on comics in general.
There is also a feedback form where you can leave feedback. I love feedback. Do the feedback thing, you know you want to.
This site is going to grow, I have lots of plans for it and ideas for collaborations in the future and some features I want to add to the podcast and – most importantly – much more time for recording and I can get on a relatively solid schedule and not be so haphazard in release time. So that’s cool and I’d love it if you checked that out and let me know what you think. Again, the feedback thing. Do it.
But that’s not all! nexusofallrealites.com is just one of a network of sites under the DaddyElk Productions umbrella. Now I’ve mentioned this a couple of times on the program already but I’ll recap a bit to give some context. DaddyElk.com was something I started a few years ago. It was essentially just your typical blog where I spouted opinions and showcased my writing in a portfolio type of way…but over the years it began to evolve into something more. It began to take shape into a showcase for science fiction essays and comic reviews and original stories and various other endeavors including this podcast and a few others.
Well in collaboration with a few other authors and artists daddyelk.com has now become DaddyElk Productions, a network of different websites all connected into a shared environment. It’s really cool and I’m excited about it.
There are several websites right now including: nexusofallrealites.com obviously, there is my personal site paulmatthewcarr.com where you can read my fiction and creative memoirs and even some of my artwork (although there’s not much of that right now) and episodes of my other podcast – the ElkCast – where you can hear the story behind why the site is called DaddyElk which is kinda sweet. You should check it out and leave some feedback. Feedback, feedback, feedback – did I mention I’m looking for feedback? I am.
Other sites on the network include a sci-fi/fantasy blog (Tachyon Emissions) and the home of author David Hicks (who has a brand new novel coming out called White Plains) as well as a few other bits and pieces and nifty stuff.
Actually if you just go to daddyelk.com you can see all the sites on the network and the latest articles and posts for all of them – the network is fairly small right now but we are in discussions to add more writers and shows and I am hoping it will grow and become something really special. You’re going to see quite a bit of output on it coming up because several posts have been held back while the backend was in development – blah, blah – you don’t care about that, there’s just going to be a bunch of stuff coming up soon.
So this is it the new site – do you like it? I’m pretty pleased, but again i’d love to know what you think of it and how it can be improved. So, you know, feedback.
And finally, and most importantly, my time has opened up for things like actually creating episodes for people to listen to and (hopefully) enjoy.
Thanks for putting up with all my delays while I birthed this baby and here’s to a better 2017, because lord knows 2016 was a bit crap.
Likhon chowdhury says:
Conor says:
Andy Garcia says: