Comic Book Art: Silver Surfer by Jack Kirby

By Last Updated: March 5, 2015Views: 3359

I spend a lot of time on the internet. Its a way to pass the time for sure, but its also part of my job. If you get a chance to be paid to surf the net I recommend that you do.

Anyway, as I surf I occasionally come across various bits of art that I like thought that I would like to share it from time to time in the new category Thought Bubbles, an area dedicated to comic books and comic art.

This bit of awesomeness is from Fantastic Four #72 in 1967. A splash page featuring Silver Surfer by Jack Kirby and inked by Joe Sinnott. I love how the energy trail of the surf board is just streak and the detail of the city below is just pure Kirby. Just a great dynamic image.

Anyway, if you like this let me know in the comments and give my a shout if you’d like to see more panels and covers here.

’nuff said.

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