• Sometimes the past just falls on top of you when your not looking. In this case it was literal not metaphorical. I was cleaning a closet and as I pulled a box down from a high shelf a hard cover [...]

  • It is time to bid farewell to an old friend. Through thick and thin, good times and bad she was always there. She was always reliable, always available when I needed her but now she is gone. The old green [...]

  • The wholesale destruction of the Earth is a very hot topic these days what with the Mayan apocalypse upon us and all. To be honest a two mile wide asteroid smashing into us is a real possibility even if ancient [...]

  • This is quite an amazing video. Check it out. Composed of photographs by NASA astronaut Ron Garan (@astro_ron on Twitter) taken from the International Space Station from August to October 2011, German artist Michael Konig edited images of Earth into [...]

  • Patrick Corrigan decided to throw a party while hanging upside-down on the schoolyard swings. Ideas often came to him this way. He felt he thought better with the blood rushing to his head. Patrick told this to Christine Donatello who [...]

  • There is a sound an orchestra makes just before it begins to play. It starts with silence. Then comes the tap of footsteps, the scratch of chair legs on wood floors and the sound of ruffled paper as sheet music [...]

  • 2012 | Acrylic | on canvas

  • The fabulous Katy Craig, author extraordinaire and improv genius (she’s the one in the middle looking like she will indeed take an eye out with that thing), will be staring in a new “adventure.” It is highly recommended that if [...]

  • Sidney Keyes is considered one of the great poets of WWII. Keyes was something of a prodigy writing more than 110 poems in his short lifetime {...}

  • Query Letters for book-length manuscripts and/or agent representation The last in our ‘How to Get Published’ series. This time the focus is on getting representation and writing a great query letter. As always special thanks go out to David Hicks [...]

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