• I am 16 years old and I am sitting on the hood of my car in the parking lot of a 7-11 next to the girlfriend of my best friend. The car is a ’79 Chevy Citation, grey and dented. [...]

  • In the Denver Aquarium there is a flash flood exhibit. It is a semi-darkened room made to look like an empty cavern; artificial boulders and fake plants and the recorded sounds of a storm off in the distance. It tries [...]

  • As you can see DaddyElk has itself a brand new website. It has all new bells a whistles and a sleek, minimal look. It is set up specifically for blogging so I best get on that. Also, inevitably there will [...]

  • Good Monday everyone. After last night’s debacle in New York (which I have decided to move on from and never speak of again) I was thinking of new things to do on the site. One thing I thought of was [...]

  • A lifetime ago it seems now I lived in a wonderful, mythical land called .. New Zealand. People often ask, “What was it like?” or nowadays, “Is it just like the Hobbit?” And my answer is always the same, “No,” [...]

  • So here we are, beginning of the year. A time to take stock; to access the last twelve months and pass judgment upon one’s performance or lack thereof in many cases. Heads will be held high or hung low, backs [...]

  • It was a Saturday afternoon when I first met the Doctor, completely by accident. There was a Barbeque at my aunt’s house; I was dragged there by my mother. I was the only kid there. All the adults huddled together [...]

  • There is a soundtrack to my life. Its always been there, playing in the background. Certain songs and certain musicians informing my actions consciously or unconsciously; creating memories, intertwining, becoming inseparable from that moment in time. A man who created [...]

  • So I get up in the morning, as is something I do on a regular basis, and I get myself a cup of coffee, which is something I do out of necessity and love. And, as is customary, I sit [...]

  • Happy Monday everyone. Today’s Disclaimer is a little late because, well, I wait till the last minute to do things. It’s how I roll. It’s not how I like to roll, but at least I’m rolling. So last week was [...]

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