Tomorrow is the memorial service for my step-father Jim Morton. I say the word “step” here which, while accurate, does not convey his role in my life accurately. For when I think of the word “father” it is his memory [...]
There is so much that we cannot see. Hidden from our eyes or taken away from us by those who do not want us to know what is there. We are not always equipped to see the light that is [...]
Ever since its announcement Captain America: The Winter Soldier has been widely anticipated and has had huge expectations placed upon it. Expectations so huge, in fact, that it would be rare if not impossible for it to meet those expectations. [...]
So the Monday Doodle was meant to be a “thing”, and perhaps it still will be. Hard to tell, really. What you see here is a sketch in an ongoing series of geometric faces. Aside from being really fun to [...]
Is it possible for a television program to be transcendent? Is it possible for a show to reach a level of perfection that causes all others to pale in comparison and subsequently make all others seem meaningless? Actually, the answer [...]
Time, as Steve Miller famously said, keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future. Jim Croce wanted to save time in a bottle. And Cher wanted to turn it back. Time is a rare commodity. I am greedy for time. [...]
It was inevitable I guess. Not content to simply delete several seconds about evolution in the first episode and impossible to ignore evolution in the second, creationists now demand equal time for their arguments. Balance they call it. And how [...]
In an area of Oklahoma the first episode of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey ran twenty seconds shorter than the rest of the country. What was significant about those twenty seconds? That was the time when evolution was discussed. If it [...]
Happy Pie Day everyone! I’m sure you are all busy calculating decimal points and whatnot and eating and/or throwing a desert confectionery. Also, this is Einstein’s birthday so you might be cerebrating that as well. Can’t decide which one you [...]
There is not much these days that can be called a Television Event. Sure there’s the odd sporting event or award show but even those are not regarded as “must see”. You are never left with a feeling of loss, [...]