With Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiering on the 18th my nerdself can’t help but obsess in anticipation. So I will be posting several things leading up to the release date. First off something I wrote last year when I [...]
This week I’m reading The Knight of Swords by Michael Moorcock. The Knight of Swords is the first book in the Swords Trilogy which tells the tale of Corum Jhaelen Irsei, the Prince in the Scarlet Robe, who is an [...]
There was a man once, a long time ago, maybe it was yesterday, he cried at night, alone, in a room on a bottom floor as the snow fell outside is window. As the snow grew deeper the moonlight reflected [...]
I am normally not one who lingers on disaster. I don’t feel the need focus on failure or tragedy. It just does nothing for me. When confronted by something terrible or embarrassing I can usually just let it pass by; if [...]
Every once in a wile you stumble upon something so cool you just have to share. Come to think of it that’s actually the basis of the majority of blogs on the Internet. Anyway this is an example of a [...]
Last night’s Supermoon eclipse was a pretty amazing thing to behold. Well, I thought it was cool. What’s a Supermoon you ask? Glad you asked imaginary voice in my head because over at IO9 it was explained it very well: [...]
Okay kids, this is where it gets complicated. It’s 1985, I’m sixteen years old and the Doctor has just strangled his companion. And that’s when I left. Except for a couple of episodes in the McCoy era I would not [...]
Doctor Who Week continues on DaddyElk! The Series 9 premiere is coming this Saturday and to celebrate we’re going to be doing all kinds of Who-related content starting with revisiting some old articles written for the 50th anniversary highlighting my [...]
Doctor Who Week continues on DaddyElk! The Series 9 premiere is coming this Saturday and to celebrate we’re going to be doing all kinds of Who-related content starting with revisiting some old articles written for the 50th anniversary highlighting my [...]